Join us in Bloomfield Center for the first food tour of the year!
After three great food tours in 2019, we're back to touring and ready to introduce you to incredible restaurants, both new and old, in Bloomfield Center.
The tour on Saturday, October 30th will include:
Flavor-packed stops at 4-5 downtown restaurants (to be announced soon!)
A n introduction and/or group chat with restaurant chef or owner.
An alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink at our last stop
Tour participants will also have the opportunity to learn some local Bloomfield history, and find out what's next in Bloomfield Center from events to new development from the Bloomfield Center Alliance team.
Safety: Care has been taken by our team to choose restaurants that allow for outdoor or distanced seating and/or grab & go. Group sizes will be capped at 20 people and masks will be required when not munching!
This is the last Food Tour scheduled for 2021.